Tam Kwok To, Sidney

CEO - Consulting

Healthcare (Since 2000)

Sidney was the cofounder of LifeHub, a new lifestyle healthcare operator in town, which merged with LifeClinic, Sidney held the Group CEO position until 2021. Prior to LifeHub, he was CEO of various health organisations including WA Clinic and HCMC which were acquired by iKang

Sidney led medical startups like Top Grade Healthcare, RaySolution and Nova Bio in Mainland and Hong Kong that went through compliance FDA and NMPA processes, series A fund raising, and commercialization stages. He started his health business when he established the first dental general clinic in Beijing.

IT, Business Management, Multiple Academic doctorate (Since 1983)

Before stepping into healthcare, Sidney was a regional executive of the world leading telecom company, based in Beijing and Shanghai since 1983. With his extended experiences in managing MNC and local operations over the last 40 years, Sidney also has completed multiple doctorate degrees in cross disciplines to explore his academic journey as lifetime enjoyment.

How Mr. Sidney could help your business 

Sidney excels in BioTech and IT areas particularly in cross-over of both industries to bring extra value to the market and companies. Co-Process Design, as Sidney's patented process innovation, applied for critical business challenges many corporates are now facing like reverting the wheel and turnaround process. With the deep knowledge in both industries, Sidney brings up new ways of doing businesses under affordable budgets.


首席執行官 - 諮詢

醫療 (23年以上經驗)

譚國韜先生聯合創辦了LifeHub (後與 LifeClinic 合併),並擔任其行政總裁直至2021年。譚先生亦曾於不同醫療機構例如 WA Clinic HCMC (其後被愛康集團收購)擔任其首席執行官。

譚先生成功引令本地和內地醫療初創公司例如大基醫療, 銳世醫療 Nova Bio 完成數個重要營運階段, 包括通過 美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 及 國家食品藥品監督管理局 (NMPA) 規管要求,A輪融資及產品市場化等等。他在2000年創立首間北京牙科綜合診所後開始發展醫療業務。

科技,管理,與學術知識 (跨學科博士學歷) (40年以上經驗)

譚先生始於1983年就職在國際頭部電訊公司擔任中國和亞太區域負責人。擁有 40 年本地及國際營運管理經驗的同時,譚先生亦投入跨學術研究而獲得博士學歷,引領學術專業知識解決商業挑戰。


譚先生在醫療科技及IT科技的深層次技術與商業管理的經驗發揮獨特的聯動關係,帶給市場及公司獨到的專業見解及價值分析。譚先生擁有專利版權的營運流程理論和工具 — "Co-Process Design",能夠應用於現有企業所面對不同關鍵問題例如變革創新流程等,譚先生可以為您的現有營運模式在實踐的預算條件下帶來新策略和發展方向。



首席执行官 - 咨询

医疗 (23年以上经验)

谭国韬先生联合创办了LifeHub (後与 LifeClinic 合併),并担任其行政总裁直至2021年。谭先生亦曾於不同医疗机构例如 WA Clinic 和 HCMC (其後被爱康集团收购)担任其首席执行官。

谭先生成功引令本地和内地医疗初创公司例如大基医疗, 锐世医疗 及 Nova Bio 完成数个重要营运阶段, 包括通过 美国食品药物管理局 (FDA) 及 国家食品药品监督管理局 (NMPA) 规管要求,A轮融资及产品市场化等等。他在2000年创立首间北京牙科综合诊所後开始发展医疗业务。

科技,管理,与学术知识 (跨学科博士学历) (40年以上经验)

谭先生始於1983年就职在国际头部电讯公司担任中国和亚太区域负责人。拥有 40 年本地及国际营运管理经验的同时,谭先生亦投入跨学术研究而获得博士学历,引领学术专业知识解决商业挑战。


谭先生在医疗科技及IT科技的深层次技术与商业管理的经验发挥独特的联动关係,带给市场及公司独到的专业见解及价值分析。谭先生拥有专利版权的营运流程理论和工具 — "Co-Process Design",能够应用於现有企业所面对不同关键问题例如变革创新流程等,谭先生可以为您的现有营运模式在实践的预算条件下带来新策略和发展方向。